Update 3: Fixed the gamebreaking bug, hope you all can enjoy it now as it suppose to be played :)

Hello Frienderino! You ask "how do I play thiz gamz?".... yes.

Well you see, you will encounter enemies (red) and treasure chests (orange). Click on these for GOLD and STATS and ACHIEVEMENTS :O Good Luck! :D

This game is a clicker/achievement hunter type of game. The game got a random level generator which will be different each level. The player generates a path to walk from the level generator which also spawns randomly enemies and treasure chest on the path! The idea was to make people compete against each other to get the best times. Unfortunatly there is bugs in the exported version of the game, that makes the player float away when the level restarts. Hope you can enjoy it anyway :D

Time spent making the game: 10 hours 38 min (according to my recordings, including some small breaks) :O

Update 2:

Something of value I learned this game jam was that you cant trust that the game you have in unity engine will look the same outside unity. Unfortunatly my game seems to have a bug where player just floats away when starting a new level, which didn't show up in unity engine. Lesson learned, always export the game at least once a day when doing a game jam.

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